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2nd LIPN Symposium 2024: 10th June

Our second LIPN annual symposium was a one-day symposium held on 10th June at the Francis Crick Institute, open to all scientists working on infection biology, from students to PIs. The event was free (thank you sponsors!) and included invited talks from Dr. Ashley Otter  (UKSHA) and Prof. Jessica Blair, University of Birmingham, and a discussion panel about careers inside and outside academia, as well as selected talks from ECRs working on infection biology. The panel was formed by:

•    Vincenzo Torraca (PI at Kings College London) 
•    Michela Mazzon (Set up start-up Virology Research Services)
•    Catherine Kibirige (Research manager at Imperial College London and set up start-up HIVquant)
•    Ben Johnson (Editor at Nature Medicine)
•    Caitlin Davies (Analyst at LifeArc)
•    Alycia Draper (Senior Policy Advisor at Wellcome)
Rosie Brooks (Senior Funding Manager at Wellcome, Infection and Immunobiolology board): She could not come to the event but is happy to be contacted by LinkedIn


The feedback survey is now closed, but if you have any comments about the event please contact us; we like hearing the positives and negatives try to learn and make these events better every year!

If you are interested in reading about our first symposium, you can check out the article we wrote about the day in the Microbiology Society blog. These annual symposiums are held with the aim to help ECRs to: (i) foster knowledge and technical exchange, (ii) increase collaborations, (iii) present their work to a bigger, like-minded critical audience, (iv) expand networking opportunities, (v) advertise opportunities for career development, (vi) raise and discuss career related issues, and (vii) strive for a positive and inclusive research culture.


  • You can access the abstract booklet HERE.​

  • If you would like to know more about mental health first aiders and other options available at your institutions to take care of your wellbeing, we have put together a document you can access HERE.


Our Code of Conduct applies to all of our seminars and meetings. 


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